
The lowest land – MIRACLE

In the early 7th century, the two most powerful empires at the time were the Byzantine[1]  and Persian Empires.  In the years 613 – 614 C.E the two Empires went to war, with the Byzantines suffering a severe defeat at the hands of the Persians.  Damascus and Jerusalem both fell to the Persian Empire.  In… Continue reading The lowest land – MIRACLE

General · Science

The production of semen between the Qur’an and science

Today i was asked to clarify over the issue of the production of ‘sperm’ in the Quran as some people interprated that the Quran says “the sperm comes from the chest”!. Well, i possess little knowledge about this topic but with that little knowlege of mine, i was able to establish the fact that the… Continue reading The production of semen between the Qur’an and science